Writings, Interviews & Podcasts / Textos, Entrevistas & Podcasts
Writings, interviews, and podcasts on (or related to) my music
Escritos, entrevistas y podcasts sobre (o relacionados a) mi música
sustain.fm / RBL Media: “Imaginary Animals with Luis Fernando Amaya”
Interviewed by Drusnoise
Language: English
Extended program notes for concert “Tenner blant trærne” (“Teeth amongst the trees”)
Curated by Luis Fernando Amaya for nyMusikk (Oslo)
Written by Jennifer Gersten
Designed by Ana María Bermúdez
Language: English
nyMusikk Podcast: “Luis Fernando Amaya: Composing to connect to the more-than-human”
Interviewed by Jennifer Torrence
Language: English
Just there: Aaron Einbond, Luis Fernando Amaya
Ben Harper’s Contemporary Music Blog “Boring Like a Drill”
Language: English
NOVEG: Luis Fernando Amaya
Radio Študent (Slovenia)
Language: Slovenian
Testimonio de oídas: Luis Fernando Amaya
Radio UNAM—México City
Language: Spanish
Live at “The Watt from Pedro Show”
with Mike Watt
Radio Show — San Pedro, California, US
Language: English
Bandcamp Navigator April 2023
Featuring Cortahojas
by Robert Newsome
The Sound of Curiosity—Interview with Lee Pembleton from the Eugene Difficult Music Ensemble
Language: English
The Best Contemporary Classical on Bandcamp: February 2023
For the February Edition of “The Best Contemporary Classical on Bandcamp”, Peter Margasak talks about several contemporary music albums, including “Cortahojas”
“Cortahojas: a different way of listening to Earth”
Track-by-track listening guide to the album “Cortahojas”
By Luis Fernando Amaya
Interview at Catalunya Ràdio on my album “Cortahojas” along with Protometarial Record’s producer Joan Arnau Pàmies
Languages: Catalan and Spanish
“Music Composition as a Means to Connect With the More-Than-Human: A Dialogue Between the Works of Walter Kitundu, Liza Lim, and Luis Fernando Amaya”
Dissertation by Luis Fernando Amaya
Lucerne Festival Forward: On “Tinta Roja, Tinta Negra” with Ben Roidl-Ward
Language: English
HACER RUIDO: Luis Fernando Amaya
In English and Spanish / en Español e Inglés
by Carolina Vélez Muñiz on the occasion of her curated concert HACER RUIDO (April 16, 2021) at Experimental Sound Studio (Chicago)
Image: Cielo Saucedo
On Studies on Bestiario: seis Interview with Fonema Consort
Language: English
Leading to Fonema's closing concert of the 2020-21 season, Mexican composer Luis Fernando Amaya shared his thoughts on his recent work, music inspiration, and his new piece for Fonema Consort to be premiered on 04.29 at the Experimental Sound Studio's The Quarantine Concerts in Chicago (live streaming).
Interview alongside visual artist Rodrigo Lara Zendejas about our work cosa verde para descansar los ojos
Language: English
Entrevista a cantante, poeta, y activista Zara Monrroy—Revista Este País
Idioma: Español
Fellow Travelers Podcast (Ensemble Dal Niente): Interview with Michael Lewanski
Language: English
“Hablé con…” charla con Enrique Bernis (Argentina)—Parte 1
Idioma: Español
“Hablé con…” charla con Enrique Bernis (Argentina)—Parte 2
Idioma: Español
Interview: TGS Spotlight
by The Graduate School at Northwestern University
The Movers & Makers Podcast—Debate Edition: Alex Temple, Maria Kaoutzani, and Luis Fernando Amaya
Language: English
Moderated by Michal Rayond Massoud
Bestiario: tres
On Bestiario: tres—Animacy, Agency, and the Secret Life of Music
Interview by Ammie Brod (Dal Niente)
The Movers & Makers Podcast: Luis Fernando Amaya
Language: English
Interview by Michal Raymond Massoud
Pregunta No.2: Cóndor
On Pregunta No.2: Cóndor
by Jonathan Hannau
La sombra de la sombra de un objeto aún no encontrado
Chasing Shadows: the search for the unobtainable
by Maeve Feinberg
Tinta Roja, Tinta Negra/ Red Ink, Black Ink
In Praise Of Unfavorable Concert Reviews
by Luis Fernando Amaya
Objeto/Espacio no.2
Imploding Signs 2: Reflections on Luis Fernando Amaya's Objeto/Espacio no. 2: Variaciones y Bagatelas
by Eli Namay
La mano izquierda es la que escribe las mentiras chiquitas
Reflection on "La mano izquierda es la que escribe las mentiras chiquitas"
by Brandon Quarles
en mi caminar en el desierto
Sonoro silencio: Apuntes sobre en mi caminar en el desierto (2015)
por Santiago Hernández Zarauz
Vigilemos las venas de la Tierra
Let Us Look After the Veins of the Earth: The Sonification of Time-series Field Data by Analog Methods (Abstract)
by Vivien Rivera